Acupuncture has been a great cure for so many diseases and body problems for so many years back in history. After research, scientists came to know that when the life energy of the body is blocked, major health issues and problems tend to arise. To solve these problems, people back in history asserted pressure on some selected and specific parts of the body.
On today’s date, we have acupressure sandals that will help you be fit and healthy for a long period of time. This article is all about the best acupressure shoes that you must buy at least once in your life. They are shoes that massage your feet.
These are some of the best acupressure shoes which are also called reflexology sandals. Acupuncture shoes do not have many differences in them. They are just like normal shoes or sandals but have specially made up surfaces of plastic, rubber, wood, or certain different substances. There are some acupuncture points on the sole of your feet, and these shoes put pressure on those particular acupuncture points.
Best Acupressure Shoes Reviews
Here are some of the best acupressure shoes; the shoes that massage your feet so well that your body starts to relax and have a stress-free day.
1. BYRIVER Acupressure Foot Massage
These amazing Reflexology Massage shoes will help you stay fit and healthy on a daily basis. They are shoe slippers that give you comfort and can be worn on almost every occasion. It will help you to get relief from your pain. Some of the most attractive features of these shoes which will make you buy them are:
- It has got massage buttons on the base of it.
- It comes along with 5 extra buttons for replacement.
- It is eco-friendly and is made up of high quality
- There is no size issue with these sandals. The strap is adjustable and can be worn by anyone of any age.
- 3 months free exchange policy guarantee.
- It will make you sleep better
- It helps to heal plantar fasciitis, arthritis, neuropathy pain, and several other pains.
- It weighs about 1.1 pounds
It has been rated as one of the best acupressure shoes of all the other shoes. You might feel a tinge of pain when you immediately start to wear it, but it is completely normal. Your feet are not in a habit of taking that amount of pressure. You will slowly get used to it.
2. CLORIS Foot Massagers Acupressure Massage Slippers
These shoe slippers, made up of powerful natural stones hold the power of giving you pain-free daily routines and keep you stress-free. It is not gendered biased. Both men and women can wear them. Some of the attractive features of CLORIS Foot Massagers Acupressure Massage Slippers are:
- It helps in better blood circulation and improves the overall health of the body.
- There are massage buttons that are very effective all over the base.
- 5 extra massage buttons are provided for replacing the damaged ones.
- It gives you a shiatsu treatment while you walk, wearing them on.
- They are effective even when you do not walk.
- Made up of non-slippery sole
- They are suitable for both men and women
- They are very convenient to use and are lightly weighted.
- You should ideally wear it for around 15 minutes
- The dimensions of these sandals are 9 x 2 x 8 inches and they weigh around 1.5 pounds.
These are the shoes that massage your feet so well that you would want to feel them more. It is advisable to wear it 3 times a day, each time for 15 minutes. You can wear it as soon as you wake up. It will energize you and help in better blood circulation.
3. LYAPKO Acupuncture Shoe Insoles Foot Therapy Massager
These are Reflexology sandals that will provide you with the ultimate relief and satisfaction after wearing them. They have actual acupuncture needles inserted in it that provide the right amount of pressure on the nerve endings of your feet. Some features of the LYAPKO Acupuncture Shoe Insoles Foot Therapy Massager are:
- It has got soft rubber, and just perfects pointed needles in between of it.
- It comes with a 30-day refund and replacement guarantee
- Suitable for all ages, ranging from children to old family members.
- It gives an immediate feeling of happiness, satisfaction, and harmony as soon as you wear it.
- It is helpful in reducing fatigue and normalizing your sleep pattern.
- They do not require you to fit them as shoes. You can stand on them, and you will gain all the pleasure that you need.
4. Acupressure Massage Slippers with Earth Stone
These are the Therapeutic Reflexology Sandals which will help you relax throughout the day. They are suitable for both men and women, and the size is adjustable. It has a strap that completely opens and closes and helps you to adjust the size and tightness. Some of the features and reviews of these acupuncture massage slippers are:
- The base of these slippers is covered with earth stones which hit the acupuncture points very accurately.
- The size of the sandals is Men 6.5-7.5/Women 7.5-9
- It gives a deep tissue massage to your feet.
- Very easy to clean. The advice is to wash it with warm water.
- It helps in easy traveling
- They have been made after keeping in mind Chinese technology.
5. Magnetic Massage Insoles, Healthy and Breathable Acupoint Massage
These are one of the best acupressure shoes that will give you the ultimate pleasure and happiness after you wear them. It has got breathable pores and magnets that will hit the right points on your sole, as well as, will allow your feet to breadth. They are the perfect slipper shoe that is perfect for daily use. They are known for their blood circulation property. Some of the reviews as given by customers and features are listed below:
- The magnet insoles are made up of high-quality material and are soft.
- You can stand, walk or run in these. They provide the ultimate comfort to your feet
- The magnets hit the right points and revive your backbone.
- It has got around 60 magnetic massage points
- It is made up of silicone and magnets
- It is available in transparent color.
- You can cut these according to your size and then fit them inside any of your shoes or slipper.
You will not be able to walk in these in the beginning, but you eventually will start walking on them. You might feel pain and pressure on your feet, but that is normal. You need to wear socks in the beginning weeks, and you will get used to them within 2 weeks. Size does not matter much in this case because they are not meant for fitting your feet.
These were some of the best acupressure shoes that you needed to know. If you want to lead a healthy, fit, peaceful, and happy life, acupuncture shoes are the answer for you. They help in reducing back pains and normalize your sleep patterns. Along with all these things, the circulation of blood properly in the whole body remains the constant benefit that one gets. You can wear them anywhere. Want to go gardening? Wear your best acupressure shoes. They will not get dirty, and you will be benefited too.
Can I sit while wearing these acupuncture sandals or should I walk?
Answer- You definitely can sit while wearing these sandals. But they will work better when you walk or stand while wearing them as it creates pressure on the acupuncture points.
Why would I like to wear something that hurts?
Answer- It might hurt and might seem senseless. But the acupuncture points, when poked result in better blood circulation and give you a good night’s peaceful sleep.
Will the shoes enlighten my mood?
Answer- In some cases, yes they do. The nerve endings on the feet are sensitive, and when they are poked, they can result in improving your mood to a great extent.
Can these shoes provide relief if I am suffering from gout?
Answer- Yes, they provide relief to people suffering from gout.
Hi, I am Valerie. I love working out and trying out various products which help me maintain my fitness. I love reviewing products related to posture and pain relief that will help people in some way. I like to spend my extra time swimming, Running and Wall Climbing. I am a physiotherapist and have helped countless people lead a pain free life.