The modern world has developed an affinity towards various alternative medicine forms. One of the most popular ones among them is the Chinese acupuncture. Acupuncture therapy claims to have incredible pain relief abilities, and millions of followers across the world vow for the claim.
Modern medicine has incorporated the principles of acupuncture to develop many acupuncture devices. One of the bestsellers among them is the highly effective acupuncture pens. These handheld devices provide even beginners to avail of acupuncture therapy without resorting to a professional.
But it is essential to understand the working of an acupuncture pen to use it effectively. The article below provides all the necessary details on how to use an acupuncture pen for targeted relief.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture therapy is a popular alternative medicine that originated in ancient China. This effective therapy relieves pain, inflammations, muscle ailments, etc.
Acupuncture therapy involves using thin, fine needles on selected human body pressure points. Acupuncture practitioners use pressure points called acupoints to insert the needle.
These pressure points are believed to be linked to the total well-being of the human body, and acupuncture therapy provides instant relaxation and healing to patients.
What is an Acupuncture Pen?
An acupuncture pen is a handheld device that uses electric, laser, magnetic, or manual impulses to provide relaxation, similar to what traditional acupuncture needles offer. These pens do not use any medicated needles like the traditional method. They also do not create piercings on the skin of the patient.
An acupuncture pen allows beginners to carry out acupuncture therapy on their own in the comfort of their homes. You need not depend on a professional acupuncture practitioner if you have the acupuncture pen handy.
As the size of an acupuncture pen is reasonably small, just like a regular pen, it is highly convenient for trips and travels. The convenient and safe design ensures that no harm from the pens occurs.
An acupuncture pen would be ideal for you if you fear needles and are worried about the potential hurt of the piercings. Each acupuncture pen has many additional accessories that help you use the same device for various purposes.
Advantages of Using Acupuncture Pens
The advantages of using acupuncture pens are as follows.
- Helps relieve chronic pain
- Reduces menstrual cramps
- Minimizes pain during cancer treatments
- Reduces vomiting tendency and nausea during cancer treatments
- Relieves joint pain
- Improves blood circulation
- Reduces discomforts associated with sinusitis
- Relieves muscular pain
- Improves sleep
- Relaxes mind and relieves stress
- Instant pain and inflammation relief
- Detoxifies body
- Helps with post-depression recovery
- Reduces morning sickness, labor pain, etc., in association with pregnancy
How to Use an Acupuncture Pen?
You can use an acupuncture pen as per the following acupuncture pen user manual, which provides the steps on how to use an acupuncture pen.
Step 1
Identify the Target Area
The primary thing to do while using an acupuncture pen is to identify the correct acupoints. You must correctly identify your problem and then find the right acupoint.
If you use an acupuncture pen on the wrong acupoint, you might not get the desired effect, and the pain will remain the same. So, understand your problem and check with the user manual that your pen has to find the correct acupoints.
Step 2
Sterilize the Pen
Even though branded acupuncture pens come in the most hygienic form, it is always advisable to sterilize your pens before using them on your body.
Indeed, acupuncture pens don’t use any needles. However, still, it is recommended to use a sterilizer to sterilize the device, especially if there are multiple users for the same acupuncture pen.
It is always advisable to wash the target area and your hands before handling the acupuncture pen. But make sure to wipe off any excess moisture in the target area before using the pen.
Step 3
Preparing the Target Area
Avoid using the acupuncture pen directly on the target area is generally advised. Before using the pen, you should always apply a layer of gel or cream on the spot.
The layer of cream helps soothes the area during the entire acupuncture process. It also helps improve the effect of acupuncture and enables relaxation to kick in quicker.
Step 4
Using the Pen on the Area
Once you have prepared and sterilized the area, you can use the pen in the target area. Experts advise keeping the acupuncture pen perpendicular throughout the usage session.
It should always be remembered to start the session with a low frequency. Starting at high intensity may harm the pressure point’s skin.
Another essential thing to pay attention to is to keep a calm mind until the acupuncture session is over. Chances are high for the user to get stressed over possible mishaps, but keeping a relaxed mind throughout the session is critical.
Tips and Techniques While Using an Acupuncture Pen
If you are still learning to operate an acupuncture pen, here are some essential tips and techniques to make the user sessions more productive and effective.
- Always consult a reputed doctor before starting the acupuncture pen treatment.
- The ideal number of times to use an acupuncture pen is three to four times weekly. Overdoing may cause serious harm to your skin and body.
- It is always ideal to start mild with an acupuncture pen. You should start on the highest intensity as it may damage your skin cells.
- Do not replace any of your medication with an acupuncture pen. If you are taking any regular medication, keep it despite using an acupuncture pen.
- While using a laser acupuncture pen, ensure your sensitive body parts, especially your eyes, are not exposed directly to the laser beam.
- It is best to maintain a healthy lifestyle while engaging in acupuncture sessions. Try to avoid alcohol and coffee until the sessions are all over.
- Try not to move the acupuncture pen quicker as it may lower the effectiveness of the treatment.
- It is advisable to keep the pen over the exact spot where you feel the pain. Moving the pen over large patches of the body would not work very well.
Due to constant travels and hectic schedules, I have never got a chance to take care of my body, and hence, I have been suffering from continual body pains, aches, and unknown inflammations throughout my body. Trying out an acupuncture pen was only an experiment, but the immediate effects made me admire the therapy and the tool. My acupuncture pen is extremely easy to use and lightweight but provides incomparable results.
1. Does an Acupuncture Pen Work?
Yes, Acupuncture pens do work. They are safe and secure devices that provide excellent results if used right. You have to use quality acupuncture pens and use them on a cleaned surface where a protective layer of cream or gel is applied. If used in moderation, in the right way, acupuncture pens are sure to provide excellent results.
Hi, I am Valerie. I love working out and trying out various products which help me maintain my fitness. I love reviewing products related to posture and pain relief that will help people in some way. I like to spend my extra time swimming, Running and Wall Climbing. I am a physiotherapist and have helped countless people lead a pain free life.