Millions of people use alternative medicinal forms like acupuncture throughout the world. Acupuncture mainly gained Western interest in the last decade. Originally from China, acupuncture therapy has a significant fan following across all continents.
Owing to the incomparable popularity of acupuncture, many reputed medical manufacturers have come up with convenient acupuncture pens that enable the user to engage in acupuncture sessions without the help of a professional.
Among the numerous versions of acupuncture pens, electric acupuncture pens have a separate fan following for their incredible convenience and ease of use. The article below provides insights on how to use an electric acupuncture pen.
What is an Electric Acupuncture Pen?
Electric acupuncture pens use electric impulses to treat and relieve the pain and inflammations in various human body parts. These are easy-to-use handheld devices that look and feel similar to a pen.
You can use an electric acupuncture pen on your body’s various acupoints or pressure points to improve blood circulation, relieve pain, provide relaxation, etc.
Electric acupuncture pens are mainly two types:
1. Dome Type: This electric acupuncture pen best suits facial massages. It improves the skin texture and revives the overall health of facial skin.
2. Node Type: Node-type electric acupuncture pens are ideal for intense massages. You can use them on your acupoints to relieve pain or inflammation.
How to use an Electric Acupuncture Pen?
The way of using an electric acupuncture pen may vary slightly depending on the brand. But the basic steps are essentially the same and are detailed in the section below.
Before proceeding to the electric acupuncture pen steps, double-check the product for any faults or defects as they may cause unforeseen accidents.
Most electric acupuncture pens have a user manual, a contact gel, multiple tips, and a compatible battery. Some models may not contain a battery or contact gel.
An electric acupuncture pen will mostly contain components like the power button, battery level indicator, pulse rate or pressure intensity indicator, increase and decrease buttons, etc.
Step 1
Open the electric acupuncture pen and insert one or more compatible batteries in the concerned slot.
Step 2
Switch the pen on, and you can identify whether it is on or not by looking at the display on the pen’s body. When the pen is on, the display will show the intensity level to which the pen is set by default.
Step 3
Adjust the pressure intensity level to a low or medium value. It is advisable to begin the process with the lowest possible value. It may take a while for new users to get used to the operation of the product, and it is always ideal to keep the intensity to a minimum until you are used to it.
Step 4
Apply a layer of contact gel or cream on the target body part. Make sure not to overdo the gel or cream. A high amount of cream may insulate the part well and prevent the acupuncture pen from providing maximum effect.
Step 5
Now you can place the acupuncture pen on the target body part and apply pressure. You may not feel a thing if you are not putting it on the right pressure point. You must move the pen around until you find the right pressure point. When the pen is placed over the right point, you will feel a pulsing sensation.
Step 6
Stimulate the pressure point by holding the pen over it for a while or by gently massaging over the point. Remember to keep the pen perpendicularly. You can continue the session for a reasonable time and then bring the intensity level back to 0 or simply switch the machine off.
Safety Precautions to Maintain While Using an Electric Acupuncture Pen
As an electric acupuncture pen involves the passage of mild electric current, the user must follow certain safety precautions to avoid potential harm and accidents. Some of those essential precautions are mentioned below.
- If you use an electronic medical device like a pacemaker, artificial heart, pulse regulator, etc., you should avoid using an electric acupuncture pen.
- Prevent the pen from coming in contact with moisture content. So, you must avoid using the pen in high humidity conditions, shower, pool, bath, etc.
- If you maintain a regular intake of medicines or are pregnant or on life support devices, you must consult your physician before using an electric acupuncture pen.
- Never use an electric acupuncture pen on someone unconscious.
- Always keep the electric acupuncture pen away from pets, other animals, and children.
- It is advisable for you to refrain from engaging in any repair work on the pen. It may compromise the safety standards of the pen.
- Removing the battery from the acupuncture pen if it is not used for an extended period is better.
- Before using the pen, you should always apply a contact gel or cream on the pressure point.
- As your hands have many acupoints, you may feel a mild charge on specific points of your hand while operating the pen. Consider it normal and shift the pen’s hold to avoid the sensation.
From my personal experience, electric acupuncture is one of the most convenient and straightforward acupuncture devices currently available. I have been using one for several months and have never faced an issue operating it. It is also entirely pain-free except for a mild impulse on the contact points. I use a rechargeable electric acupuncture pen, which retains the battery charge well. The multiple pressure intensity levels come in handy for treating pains and inflammations of various degrees.
1. Do electric acupuncture pens work?
Electric acupuncture pens work very well with a suitable battery pack and maintenance routine. You have to check the official user manual of the pen to identify the compatible battery and only use the same. In fact, electric acupuncture pens are one of the most successful and fast-moving products in the category.
Hi, I am Valerie. I love working out and trying out various products which help me maintain my fitness. I love reviewing products related to posture and pain relief that will help people in some way. I like to spend my extra time swimming, Running and Wall Climbing. I am a physiotherapist and have helped countless people lead a pain free life.