Tailbone is a crucial bone structure located right at the base of your spine. Tailbones are essential for sitting, standing, walking, and other vital bodily functions.
But being at the base part of the spine, the tailbone is easily vulnerable to extreme pressure and strain. Sitting in the same position for extended hours exposes your tailbone to excessive strain and stress, which may cause severe pain.
Tailbone pain is difficult to manage as it could seriously affect mobility. You may find it extremely difficult to walk or barely move while experiencing tailbone pain. But it is possible to manage the tailbone health and avoid any harm or pressure on the tailbone; through tailbone pain pillows.
Tailbone pillows are specialized memory foam-filled pillows and cushions that help significantly comfort the tailbone and relieve pain. The following article provides ample details on tailbone pain pillows for posture and spinal alignment.
Which pillow is best for tailbone pain?
The best tailbone pain pillows will have the following features.
- It is always ideal for the pillow to have a wedge or v-shaped cutout in the design. This design could relieve significant stress from the tailbone or coccyx part.
- You can also use circular cushions or U-shaped pillows to relieve tailbone pain.
- Make sure to purchase pillows or cushions filled with memory foam. Good-quality memory foam responds and shifts according to the pressure exerted on it. So, whenever the user shifts their position on the pillow, it will adjust by itself to mold it to suit their body.
- Recently, a product called air cushions has also been widely used for relieving tailbone pain. In fact, some studies show that these air cushions provide better balance and posture than memory foam pillows.
- You can also use a heating pad or ice pack along with the tailbone pain pillows for better results.
Does sitting on a pillow help with tailbone pain?
Sitting on a pillow help with tailbone pain. But it is essential to understand how to use it properly to get the best results.
- Always use a tailbone pillow on chairs or other seating arrangements with built-in back support. Because a tailbone pillow elevates your height a bit, it is crucial to have back support to balance your elevated sitting position properly.
- You can place the tailbone pillow flat against the chair surface or slightly slopping, based on your preference. But make sure that no other cushions or pillows are crowded on the chair. A single tailbone cushion or pillow is enough for a chair, and using more may not produce the desired results.
- As heating pads and ice packs speed up the pain-relieving process, place one ice pack or heating pad each on both sides of the cut-out of the pillow. Remember to wrap the heating pad or ice pack to avoid wetting the pillow too much.
- If a basic, soft tailbone cushion does not provide the desired relief, you can always shift to an upgraded tailbone cushion that would be a bit firmer. Such pillows will use relatively denser foam and help provide better support for the user.
What is the best sleeping position for a tailbone?
The best sleeping positions for a tailbone are as follows.
- Lay on your side with a quality pillow or cushion between your legs. The pillow is to help align the hips better. This position relieves pressure from the hip bones and reduces the tailbone pain significantly.
- Lay on the back of your body. This simple sleeping position is considered the most relaxing of all. This position ensures that only minimal pressure is exerted on the back and tailbone parts of the body. You will feel even better if you place a wedge pillow beneath your knees.
- No stomach sleeping. Stomach sleeping causes immense pressure on the spine and the tailbone area. It is inevitable for tailbone patients to avoid sleeping on their stomachs. Sleeping on your stomach causes significant problems for your neck also.
How do you use a tailbone pillow?
- You have to use a tailbone pillow consistently for the best results.
- A single tailbone pillow may not be able to cater to all your sitting needs. Depending on the surface and the purpose, you’ll have to use multiple tailbone pillows.
- Always use a tailbone pillow on chairs with backrests. Using tailbone pillows son backless chairs would only worsen the pain and associated issues.
- Always place the tailbone pillow directly on the chair. No layers or extra cushions are needed for tailbone pillows.
- You can always add ide packs or heating pads with tailbone pillows for better results. Some tailbone pillows come with gel inserts for heating and cooling purposes.
- Make sure to purchase a tailbone pillow that has a removable cover. You have to remove the pillow cover and clean it at regular intervals.
Tailbone pillows are V-shaped or U-shaped pillows that are designed to relieve pressure from the coccyx or tailbone part of the human body. These pillows prevent the tailbone from experiencing any unwanted stress that leads to immense pain or injuries.
As a long-term sufferer of severe tailbone pain, I have tried all the available solutions. Although medication provided relief, I wanted to look for more natural ways to regain my tailbone health. Tailbone pillows were a recent experiment for me. But within the short period of using them, I have experienced significant relief from the pain. The pillows are a blessing, especially while sleeping. With them, the pain is now manageable and, at times, barely there.
1. Is walking good for tailbone health?
Physical activities like walking are always great for maintaining tailbone health. Sitting continuously for hours causes the most adverse effect on tailbone health.
2. Can sleeping position cause tailbone pain?
Sleeping positions does not influence the health of the tailbone. So they do not cause tailbone pain. But if you already have tailbone issues, your sleeping position can worsen them. Sleeping on your stomach often causes trouble with existing tailbone issues.
Hi, I am Valerie. I love working out and trying out various products which help me maintain my fitness. I love reviewing products related to posture and pain relief that will help people in some way. I like to spend my extra time swimming, Running and Wall Climbing. I am a physiotherapist and have helped countless people lead a pain free life.