What to Eat on Your Period?

Period or menstruation is a natural monthly vaginal bleeding cycle occurring every month in the majority of women’s bodies. Knowing what to eat during your period is very important as eating the right food helps with any problem related to periods like cramps, stress, blood flow, etc.

One thing every person going through periods should know is that no pain in your body is normal. Periods are natural, but the pain that comes with them is not. The majority of women go through period pain because there is an imbalance of something in their bodies.

One of the most important factors that help with this imbalance is diet. What to eat during your periods is important to know as the food you eat provides you with the necessary nutrients to help you replenish the nutrients and energy that you have lost during this time frame.


Eating the wrong kind of food can also lead to problems like cramps, nausea, fatigue, etc. During periods having a healthy and nutritious diet also helps in having a healthy body in the long term and even after menopause.

Vitamin and calcium deficiency has become very common for older women, and this can lead to brittle bones, constant back pains, leg cramps, skin disorders, and many such disorders in middle age.

Not only this the care you take during your periods also has a huge role to play during pregnancies. Overall periods affect every part of your body and at all ages from when you start them.

Some of the basic things that one should follow during periods are

basic things that one should follow during periods are

  1. Do light exercises- you may think that only taking rest helps with period pain and cramps but light exercising like walking helps a lot instead of just laying around or sitting. Exercising helps to lift your mood, reduce pain, help regulate blood flow, and many such benefits.
  2. Eat food that contains iron- during periods of iron deficiency is common because of the blood that leaves your body. Therefore, to make for that deficiency having iron-rich foods is very important.
  3. Use heating pads- If you have cramps or bloating, heating pads are good to help with it. Heating pads give warmth and comfort. It helps in relaxing your muscles and thus easing your pain. It also helps in blood circulation.
  4. Avoid eating cold foods like ice cream as they can intensify or cause pain/cramps.
  5. Drink water in a healthy amount to have a good period of flow and also to stay hydrated.

What to eat on your period?

  • Fruits that contain a high level of water like watermelon and also those that are high in iron like bananas.
  • Dry fruits like dry dates are also fantastic for relieving cramps and helping with steady and good blood flow.
  • Leafy vegetables are rich in iron and therefore are also recommended during periods. Spinach is one of the best leafy green vegetables that you can have to help reduce your iron deficiency levels.
  • Ginger is also a good ingredient to have to reduce nausea or vomiting. You can make ginger tea to help with relieving muscle pain. But remember anything is only good within a certain limit and the same goes for ginger.

Having too much ginger can cause heartburn, acidity, etc.

  • Chicken and fish are high in protein and are a great addition to your list of what to eat on your period. Omega 3 which is present in fish can help with reducing period pain.
  • Dark chocolate is a very healthy snack rich in iron and magnesium. But only dark chocolate which has at least 70 to 80 percent cocoa is beneficial and not milk which is high in sugar and are unhealthy.
  • Quinoa is one of the healthiest food grains that gives a lot of energy and is rich in nutrients and proteins.
  • Lentils, beans, and yogurt also help prevent infections and are great for a period diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What foods make your period heavier?

What exactly does heavy period or heavy bleeding mean?

When you get so much blood flow that you have to change your tampons or pads very frequently then you are going through heavy bleeding.

As mentioned before what to eat on your period affects your periods a lot. Different types of food have different effects on periods. Some foods cause heavy bleeding during periods.

Dairy products, beetroot, couscous, semolina, oats, and honey are some of the foods that may make your periods heavier and cause more bleeding.

2. What to eat on your period to help with cramps?

One of the most common complaints from women who get periods is cramps. Cramps are caused due to unrelaxed muscles in the womb that contract and cause bursts of pain.

Fruits like papaya which are rich in vitamins, nuts like walnuts, almonds, etc., which are rich in magnesium, foods that contain vitamin E like broccoli, olive oil, etc.; and flaxseeds which contain omega 3s are some of the effective foods that help with period cramps.

3. What to eat during periods?

Your period diet should especially include foods that are high in iron. Like dry dates, raisins, green leafy vegetables like spinach, etc.

4. What to eat while on period?         

Fruits like bananas, raw mango, and guava should be consumed as they contain high levels of iron. Fruits with vitamins like papaya are also great to include in your period diet.

5. What to eat when you’re on your period?

Lemons, Citrus, etc. are good to consume during periods in any form like juice as they also have high levels of iron and are also refreshing.

6. What to eat for period cramps?

Fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables rich in vitamins like vitamin A, magnesium, omega 3, and iron are very effective for period cramps.

7. What to eat to get a heavy period?

Most foods that produce heat in your body can cause heavy periods. Mangoes, coffee, red meat, etc. are some of the foods that produce or increase heat.

8. What to eat when you have your period?

Green leafy vegetables, meat like chicken and fish, nuts like dry dates, and raisins are some solid foods that are great for periods. Staying hydrated through water, juice, etc. is also recommended.

Therefore, a little conclusion for the article

  1. What we consume contributes the most to the balance of our body constitute. As much as sitting with a tub of ice cream during periods may sound tempting it is one of the worst things you can consume during periods.
  2. Having foods that can cause an increase in the internal heat of the body during periods is not good and should be avoided.
  3. Overall having a diet that is rich in vitamins, proteins, calcium, and most importantly iron is the best for having a pain-free period.
  4. Light exercises like walking are also recommended to help with periods, relaxing massages, and heating pads that can be applied to the stomach.

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