Does Alcohol Lead to Joint Pain?

People enjoy drinking alcohol at times. Whether it is a celebration or a chilling weekend night, alcohol is a must-have drink to get started with. In times of happiness and sadness, alcohol quenches everyone’s thirst. However, nothing comes for free, and everything has a price. The consumption of alcohol in excessive quantity can have detrimental effects on your health. It is known that drinking alcohol in high-quality is associated with risks of several health problems like liver and heart diseases.

The impact of drinking alcohol can also affect the health and function of the joints and muscles of your body. Though we enjoy boozing from time to time, however, we tend to ignore what costs we might pay if its harmful effects are continuously ignored. Not only your joints will suffer from tremendous pain, but your heart will be weakened too. To ensure your joints stay healthy, you must know the negative effects of alcohol on your muscles and joints which are mentioned below:

Does alcohol lead to joint pain

  • Hinder muscle growth:

Our body needs the production of a hormone called ‘Human Growth Hormone (HGH) which is required by the body, helping in building and maintaining the muscles as well as the collagen. Tendons and ligaments in our body consist of connective tissues. The alcohol can be responsible for disrupting the functionality of the hormone ‘HGH’, which can hinder or severely affect the building of muscle, hence causing joint pain.

The growth hormone ‘HGH’ is often produced when the person is asleep, and consumption of alcohol disturbs our sleeping patterns. Hence, decreasing the production of HGH.

Alcohol is also responsible for decreasing the levels of HGH, as it increases the stress hormone level, i.e. Cortisol. Hence, alcohol hinders the functionality of ‘HGH’ which causes joints pain.

  • Causes inflammation:

Although some studies have suggested that alcohol does not act as an inflammatory substance, it is only true for moderate consumption levels. Heavy consumption of alcohol causes inflammation in your body. It could lead to certain inflammatory problems like arthritis, gout, and more severe issues. There are some other complications that a person might face with excessive consumption of alcohol.

body ache

  • Responsible for body aches:

Alcohol is not just responsible for causing joint pain, but it can exacerbate the joint pain that is already prevailing. The dehydration caused due to alcohol consumption can result in severe body pain and cramps.

Alcohol also behaves like a diuretic in that is it increases urine production in our body, responsible for the reduction of several fluids in our body which results in dehydration.

During alcohol consumption, a person does not drink enough amount of water which can help in keeping the body hydrated as well as neutralizing the diuretic property and effects of consumption of alcohol. Consequently, it causes joint pain and cramps.

  • Minimizes muscle recovery:

The performance of the exercise can be improved if a person has a healthy and strong immune system and it also acts as a fuel in muscle recovery. Although, the excessive consumption of alcohol can pressurize the immune system, resulting in lowering its effective functioning of it. This, in turn, hinders muscle recovery.

Several researchers have cited that myofibrillar protein synthesis levels are interfered with by alcohol. The functioning of MPS in our body is to help and guide our body’s responses toward the exercises. Alcohol consumption reduces the effective functioning of MPS, which is responsible for hindering the recovery as well as repair of muscles and joints after some activity sessions.

Alcohol also reduces the capability of a person to stick to an effective session of recovery followed by exercise. The most important step after exercise is the rest period, if a person skips it then it can cause a reduction in muscle strength, reduction in motion range as well as inflammation in muscles, and joint pain.

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